And several of them take place in the same vaguely fantastic place. They converge at some point, but I've mentally filed them all under the title of Entropy Driven (because I love the gradual heat death of the universe). Part of Entropy Driven is the Cirque du Deeskay (AKA the Dapper Cat Carnival), but specifically the iteration of it started in 2009 by Vladimir (yes, I have a back story; yes, it's longer than it needs to be; yes, it's not finished). And in his travels, Vladimir and his assistant Meryl White pick up the usual assortment of carnival performers, rousties, workers, barkers and freaks. Of course I had drawn a bunch of them before I wrote anything, but they still fit into this grander Entropy Driven universe.
Marie and Annette |
I love you so much Amanda too, Jason Webley.
Always having had a soft spot for divided characters (I blame you, Gargoyles)and knowing no respectable carnival goes without conjoined twins...this happened.
Marie is the boisterous, she likes her music loud and BRUTAL and is fiercely defensive of Annette. She prefers boots to shoes (because her leg is slightly shorter than the other two) and keeps her hair long and natural. Annette really likes to jam out to symphonic stuff, ranging from techno-breakbeat to Nightwish. She loves to experiment with hair colors and styles. She's always been shy and usually lets Marie do the bulk of the talking. They're brunettes but Annette has been dying her hair red for a while and they tend to disagree on which direction to go when asked.
Next time: Melisandra the sword swallower.
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