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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Recreated Field Tent

So, I'm an enormous nerd.  "What?"  I hear you saying, "You?  A nerd?"  Despite what many of you must think, I am, indeed, a nerd.  To prove it, here's my thesis showing from my graduating year.

Pretty, I know.  The entire idea behind it was an exploration of digital space and video games as a medium of narrative.  I was very interested in the storytelling behind a lot of games (for example: Half-Life, Portal, Warcraft, Diablo 2, Fallout 3...).  The trend among the ones I found most interesting was the inclusion of story in the game play.  That as one progressed, they were exposed to the story, and the more things made sense in the digital world.  So, I collaborated with my illustrating friend Zach Fischer and we came up with this room.  We examined some Joseph Campbell ideas on the hero's journey and settled on World of Warcraft as a world with which to work.  I wrote up some story, made the props, we scribed in journals, he did some portraits and a map, and we presented it as a recreation of a real digital-space.

While the presentation of the room would have been more effective had it been delivered in character as a member of WoW's archeological society "The Explorer's League" but, c'est la vive.  I still got to make a ton of props for it.

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